براجرافات اللغة الانجليزية على كل وحدات منهج الصف الأول الإعدادي الترم الثاني 2018 |
براجرافات paragraphs اللغة الانجليزية للصف الأول الإعدادي الترم الثاني 2018
بسم الله الرحمن
الرحيم متابعي مدونة بوكلت ننشر لكم جميع براجرافات اللغة الانجليزية للصف الأول الإعدادي الفصل
الدراسى الثاني 2018، على كل وحدات المنهج من اعداد الاستاذ محمد سلام.
جميع براجرافات اللغة الانجليزية للصف الأول الإعدادي الفصل
الدراسى الثاني 2018
تقدم لكم مدونة بوكلت التعليمية واحدث المذكرات والملخصات والكتب الدراسية لجميع الطلاب في جميع المراحل
التعليمية ، ابتدائي ، وأعدادي ، وثانوي ، والاسئلة المتوقعة ، مذكرة مراجعة ليلة
الامتحان، نشر احدث الكتب الدراسية من موقع وزارة التربية والتعليم ، مذكرات الشرح
والمراجعة، تلخيص المواد والمناهج بشكل مبسط وشامل ، مذكرات المراجعة نقوم كذلك
بنشر اوراق الامتحانات الفعلية ، اهم
اخبار التعليم ،كورسات اللغة الانجليزية، لا تنسى ان تراسلنا في حالة وجود أي شكوى
أو اقتراح أو تواجه أي مشكلة في تحميل الملف ، تم النشر من خلال مدونة بوكلت التعليمية للمناهج التعليمية والمراجعات النهائية
لجميع الصفوف والمواد ونتائج الامتحانات ، مع تمنياتنا للجميع بالنجاح والتوفيق.
موضوعات أخرى
معلومات الملف:
English language paragraphs on all modules of the first grade preparatory syllabus
براجرافات اللغة الانجليزية على كل وحدات منهج الصف الأول الإعدادي الفصل الدراسي
الثاني 2018
Mohammad Sallam Mr.
الصيغة pdf و word
عدد الصفحات 11 صفحة
الحجم 1 ميجا
صور من الملف
*( *(Unit = 10)*
*(W.B P= 4)*
8) Write a short
paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best
Wishes: M. Sallam) (يــــارب التوفــيق):
(The Great Pyramid of Giza )**
The Ancient Egyptians
built the Great Pyramid of Giza. It was built 4,5000 years ago. They used heavy stones to
build it. It's 139
metres tall. It's amazing. Inside it there is a tomb
for Khofo. Tourists come to Egypt to see it.
*(Unit = 10 )*
*(S.B P= 2 )*
8) Write a short
paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) (يــــارب
(The Lighthouse of Alexandria)**
The ancient Egyptians were the first
to do many things. The Lighthouse of Alexandria was the world’s first
lighthouse. It was about 130
m tall. It was
one of the tallest structures on earth. People worked hard to build the
lighthouse. It opened in about 283 BCE.
*(Unit = 10)*
*(W.B P= 4) *
8) Write a short
paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) (يــــارب
(facts about the Burj Khalifa ):**
Burj Khalifa is in
Abu Dhabi. It was opened in 2010. It's 828 m tall. It's the tallest man-made
structure in the world. About 12,000 people worked on that building. It was
named after Khalifa Zayed AL-Nahian. (It was named after the president of the
United Arab Emirates.)
*(Unit = 10 )*
*(S.B P=5 )*
8) Write a short
paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) (يــــارب
( The rules of using the
internet )**
We have to follow these
rules to use the internet. Never give
your name or address to people you don’t know on the internet. Never put photos on websites. Only open emails from people you know. Check information carefully on the internet because websites
don’t always give information accurately. You can use the internet to help
you study your subjects.
8) Write a short
paragraph of (6) sentences ON : : (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) (يــــارب
The internet . )**
We should know the rules
to use the internet safely. Using the internet makes you happy. the internet
is very useful. You can send e-mails to your friends. By using the internet
you can get a lot of information. There are a lot of website on the internet.
8) Write a short
paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) (يــــارب
The Ancient Egyptians' calendar
The Ancient Egyptians invented the calendar. They studied the sun
and the stars. They wanted to measure the days in a year. They taught us to
tell the time accurately with a water clock. They also used the sundial الساعة الشمسية to tell the time. The Ancient
Egyptians were clever.
8) Write
a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) (يــــارب
(Dr Farouk El-Baz)**
Dr Farouk El-Baz is a famous
scientist. He is famous all over the world. He was born in Zagazig, 1938.
First, he learned about science at school. Then he went to Ain Shams
University. After that,
he studied science at a university in the USA. All Egyptians are proud of
*(Unit = 11 )*
*(S.B P= 10 )*
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
( Famous Scientists and their
inventions )**
Conrad Rontgen invented the X-ray in 1895.
Mary Anderson invented a way to clean car windows in 1903. Alexander Graham Bell invented the
telephone in 1876. Tim Berners Lee invented
the internet in 1989. Dr. Ahmed Zewail
discovered the femto second. They are all great.
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
( Dr. Ahmed Zewail )**
Dr. Ahmed Zewail is a famous scientist. He
was born in 1946. He went to Alexandria
university. He finished his studies in the USA. He worked at California University. He died in 2016.
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
How to make a cup of tea)**
It's easy to make tea. First, pour water in
the teapot. Next, Let water be boiled. Take the teapot off the heat. Then,
put spoon of tea in a cup and some sugar. Finally, pour boiled water and
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
( An experiment in the school science
Last week, we did an experiment
in our school science lab. We use an orange in this experiment. If we put an
orange in water, it floats on it. After that we peeled an orange. If we peel
an orange and put it into the water it
sinks to the bottom. I enjoyed the experiment a lot.
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
(An experiment about heavy and light things)
Heavy things are different from light ones. When
I put a key into water, it sinks. It sinks because it’s heavy. When I put
wood into water , it floats. It floats because it's heavy. Heavy things sink
in water , but light things float on water.
**(Unit = 12 .)* *(S.B P= 12 .)**
8) Write
a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) (يــــارب
Forms of transport in the past and present . )**
Long ago, people could walk or travel on
boats, horses or camels. People invented bicycles , trains , cars and planes.
You can go from Cairo to Alexandria by train in less than three
hours. The fastest train in the world is in China. It can travel at 430 km/h. At present ,
transport is faster.
***(Unit = 12 .)* *(S.B P= 18
8) Write
a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) (يــــارب
Railway system in Egypt)**
was the first country in Africa to have a
railway system. It was from Alexandria
to Kafr El Zayat. It opened in 1854. Today, Egypt’s railway system is more
than 7,000 km
long. Also Egypt
now has more than 21,000km of roads. Now, railway system becomes better in Egypt.
*(Unit = 12 )* *(S.B
P= 15 )*
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
(The Suez Canal
The Suez Canal is one of the world’s most famous canals. In
2015, the canal became 72
kilometres longer.
The project took just one year. Now, more ships can use the Suez Canal. The ships will bring about $13 billion
dollars into Egypt
by 2023. It is a national project. مشروع قومي.
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
Predictions about the future)**
I think life in the future will be
different. I think there will be underground cities. There will be also a lot
of skyscraper in the whole world. I think that people will use a lot of
electric cars. I think that we will have small computers in our clothes. I
think that we will have small robots.إنسان آلي.
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
Travel in the past and the present. )**
Travel in the past was difficult
and took a lot of time. People used to travel on camels long ago. Then they
used bicycles. At that time, there is no pollution. Now, there are a lot of
cars. These cars uses petrol. Now, there is a lot of pollution
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
Transport today )**
Transport is very important in Egypt. There
are many forms of transport. People
travel by car, train or plane. They are fast and good. Some people prefer the
metro. It's cheaper and better for the environment
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON: (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
Electric cars )**
Most cars and buses use petrol. They
are bad for the environment. In the future, we will have electric cars. They
will be faster. They will use batteries. They will be good for the
*(Unit = 13 )*
*(S.B P= 19 )*
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
(A healthy diet )**
A healthy diet is important for your body. We should eat a lot of the
carbohydrates. They are found in
bread, pasta or rice. We should eat them to give us energy. We should eat a
lot of fruit and vegetables, too. These contain vitamins.
*(Unit = 13 )*
*(S.B P= 19 )*
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
(A healthy diet )**
A healthy diet is important for your body. Protein from meat, eggs and
fish helps our bodies to grow strong. The calcium in milk and cheese gives us
strong bones and teeth. Don’t have too much food that contains fat. Fat in olive
oil gives us energy. It contains important vitamins.
*(Unit = 13 )*
*(S.B P= 19 )*
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
(Stay fit and healthy)**
We should always eat healthy meals . Breakfast is the most important
meal. After sleep, the body needs
energy. Exercise can help us do better at school. Exercise helps you to
study. It’s good for the body and for the brain!
*(Unit = 13 )*
*(S.B P= 19 )*
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
(Stay fit and healthy)**
It’s important to stay fit. You should eat healthy food. You should do
sports. You shouldn’t smoke. You should sleep early. ..
*(Unit = 13 )* *(S.B
P= 21 )*
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
Steps to do well at exams. )**
There are some steps to do well at exams. It's nice to relax
before exams. Revise your lessons
well. You can read the most important notes. It's better to sleep early. You
should get up early and do exercise before the exams ..
*(Unit = 13 )* *(S.B
P= 22 )*
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
( Smoking is bad for health)**
Smoking is very dangerous. You shouldn't smoke because it is bad for
your health. Tobacco in cigarettes
contains a dangerous chemical that can damage your lungs. Smoking can make
your fingers and teeth yellow, too. Cigarettes
are very expensive. You have to stop smoking from now.
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
Playing Football )**
I like playing football. It's a good sport. It's not expensive. It
makes me fit. It makes my body strong. I'd like to be a famous footballer.
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M.
Sallam) (يــــارب
( Milk)**
Milk is one of dairy products. Milk is very important. It's good for
children. People like it very much. It contains calcium. It's good for our
*(Unit = 14 )* *(S.B
P= 24 )*
Write a short paragraph of (6) sentences ON : (Best Wishes: M. Sallam) (يــــارب
( How to stay strong and healthy! )**
To stay healthy, you have to
look after yourself. You should brush
your teeth every day. You shouldn't
eat too many sweets! You should have
an eye test every year. You shouldn't hear too loud music. You should have
enough sleep.
التحميل : براجرافات اللغة الانجليزية على كل وحدات منهج الصف الأول الإعدادي الترم الثاني
شارك الموضوع في الخير
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